
16 December 2010

Shoes on Sidewalk

Its been awhile since I've been to a lab to get photos developed so I tried one with my cell phone.

16 July 2010

Colored Photos from the Orchard Shoot

Used an old minolta that has light leaks. Didn't find out it had the leaks until I developed the film. Also discovered the lens to be far too soft.

12 July 2010


Seattle Negatives

Shot some film from downtown Seattle to the U-disctrict. 

09 July 2010

Pete's Coffee House Pictures

Pete's is one of the best breakfast places, and its also photogenic. These are pictures of the glory that is Pete's. 

2008 Calico Road Block.

In October 2008 on the way to Wisconsin from Los Angeles, a Truck was on fire with its trailer in tow and traffic was backed up miles outside of Vegas. 

08 July 2010

BW Justin and his Mercedes and Orchard

A friend of mine on his farm with his awesome car. Scanned in lo res, with a super high contrast film.

Airport Photos Part 1

This is a 2 parter. These are from earlier this year. They were supposed to be a high res scan but only got the low res preview, so ill just use them for now. Something happened them in processing which left them almost Black and White. 

Airport Photos Part 2

23 June 2010

Farms - We Gotta Box of White Tape Snakes

Farms - We Gotta Box of White Tape Snakes

Shot this over Xmas as well. If it looks cold that's because it was.

Random Photos

Photos from X mas in Wisconsin

Went home to Wisconsin for christmas with an old 35mm camera I wasn't sure worked. Only had the black and white developed and scanned thus far.